Who we are?
RNDr. Milada Řeháková, Ph. D. – Project leader
She fell in love with tarsier on her first visit of the Philippines in 2007. At this time, she began to plan the first steps towards the Tarsius Project. She has long years of experiences with research of free-ranging primates and with collecting of the data in the field. She spent couple of years studying behaviour of Hanuman langurs in India. Since then she likes to come back not only because of langurs but also amazing culture. Philippines become another country of her life thanks to the Tarsius Project. She focuses on tarsiers and other species as well. She rediscovered Dinagat bushy-tailed cloud rat in 2012. She has lot of experiences also from zoos – with animal husbandry, enrichment or as a studbook keeper. She loves to discover beauty of the nature with her two kids.

RNDr. Lubomír Peške
He is expert in radio-telemetry of different bird and mammalian species in all over the world. His participation in the project helps us in planning and preparations of the project, arrangement of all the technical equipment and also following analyses. He conducted fieldwork on Bohol as well as Dinagat Island several times.
Petr Slavík
He belongs among those who were born with the love for wilderness. The “vagrancy” that is how Petr Slavík calls his beginnings as a traveller which transformed into the precisely organized and demanding expeditions to animals on the brink of extinction. Petr´s images brought from his expeditions have been presented to public in several exhibitions. Events like “Out of Africa”, “The Lost World” or the charity evening “In the Tropics of Three Continents” do not present only the art of the author. The proceeds from the auction entering his exhibitions support the breeding of rare animal species. His is living according to this motto:”Walk without trampling”. He is as author of many beautiful tarsier pictures that you can see on our website.

Our team would not be complete without many other czech, filipino or other nationalities´ members. We appreciate any help and thank a lot.