How you can support us?
You can choose from our catalogue.
You can buy a beautiful gift for someone or yourself. Choose one of our product with a tarsier or cloud rat – T-shirts, magnets, key-chains or products from the Philippines like plush tarsiers or wallets. The profit will be used for work on our goal. Choose from the catalogue and order on our e-mail.

Adopt a tarsier
Adopt your Philippine tarsier or cloud rat. The adoption is symbolic. Your contribution of 4 thousand CZK (150 euro) will be used to achieve goals of the project. As a reward you will receive a certificate, colourful picture of the Philippine Tarsier or cloud rat. Contact us>>.

Financial and material support
Do you like what we do? Do you want to be part of conservation activities? We apreciate any financial support that will us to continue with our activities. You can donate also regularly.
We welcome also any material support in form of equipment or print of leaflets and other promo materials, promotion of the Tarsius project on your website or sell of our products. Contact us>>.

Do you want to be involved personally? We welcome any help from your side. If you think you might be involved in our activities, please contact us.
Where we need your help?
We need help especially with project promotion and fundraising but also translations, language corrections, graphics, video editing etc.
For donors
If you decide to support our project please contact us.
The Tarsius Project
RNDr. Milada Řeháková (Petrů), Ph.D. – project leader
phone: +420 776 179 210
Name: Tarsius, z.s.
Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ7920100000002902074737
For your financial or material support we offer citation of your name and logo in association with project (on web pages, presentations, exhibition etc.) or individual possibilities of cooperation. For support through adoption you will gain listed benefits and your name may appear on our website.
Your support will significantly help conservation of threatened Philippine tarsier and also the world natural assets.