New species discovered

There is still a lot to explore in the world of tarsiers as documented by two successes of the expert scientists – rediscovery of Tarsius pumilus and description of a new species Tarsius tumpara.

Experts from Texas University Sharon Gursky-Doyen and Nanda Grow rediscovered the pygmy tarsier (Tarsius pumilus). The tarsier was observed on Sulawesi island. This species was first discovered in 1921, but now was considered by many scientists as extinct. Now it was rediscovered after more than 80 years. This expedition provided the first scientific observations and photographs of a living Tarsius pumilus.

Tarsius pumilus

A new tarsier species was discovered and described in Indonesia. The new species Tarsius tumpara was described by scientists Myron Shekelle, Colin Groves, Stefan Merker, and Jatna Supriatna. This species is found on tiny, highly volcanic island of Siau, where human inhabitants eat tarsiers as a snack food called tola-tola. This tarsier is listed as one of the world`s Top 25 Most Endangered Primates. More on

Tarsius tumpara


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