We led another programme for high school students

The same as last year we cooperate with Philippine Science High School in Cebu. It is an elite school focused on science and it’s attended by students from Cebu and neighbouring islands including Bohol. A group of students of the last grade was chosen and sent to Bohol to join the Tarsius project for ten days. Student stayed in a farm close to the forest, where we have our field station. As last year we tried to involve them in all parts of the project. We shared with them not only information about tarsiers and our project but also basis of conservation and the role of conservation centres and zoological gardens.

All the programme participants where trained in radio-telemetry and they participated in whole night observations. Conservation education is an important part of the effort of every conservationist so the students were tasked to prepare educational programmes for elementary and high school. We also sent them for a day trip to Corella and Loboc and asked them to compare conditions on both localities with regards to animal welfare. I can say that the programme was successful and the students enjoy the stay with us and learnt lot of new things at the same time. After finishing of the course they were much more concerned about tarsiers and necessity of their conservation. I would like to thank volunteer Vera who helped with organizing of the programme and was the key person in the field.


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